
Corresponding Author

Helal, Nagwa

Article Type

Original Study


Despite advances in surgical tech­nique, management of ruptured ten­don still presents a challenge and con­tinues to be among the most difficult rehabilitation management problem (Enwemeka, 1989 a). Unlike most soft tissues, tendons require several weeks of healing in plaster cast immo­bilization after surgical repair (Nistor, 1981). In cases of Achilles tendon rup­tures, the period of immobilization may last as long as 12 weeks, produc­ing muscle atrophy , articular cartilage atrophy, skin necrosis and tendocuta-neous adhesions {Garden et al., 1987). If healing can be quickened, then the duration of cast immobiliza­tion may be reduced to minimize these complications (Langlais et al., 1989). Several investigators used physical agents and procedures to quicken tendon healing, but 8 or more weeks of plaster immobilization are still required (Roberts et al., 1982 and Akaietal., 1988). Short-wave diathermy is the com­monest form of electromagnetic waves used (Barker et al., 1983). When the diathermic current is passed through the tissues there is increased temperature through the oscillation of polar molecules (Lehmann.1980). Associated with the increase in tissue temperature is an increase in blood flow (Abramson, 1960). Elevated tis­sue temperature and enhanced blood flow may enhance recovery from inju­ry, as well as relief of pain and spasm (Lehmann et al., 1974). The results of several human clinical and animal la­boratory studies revealed improved connective tissue healing, increase collagen extensibility and faster reso­lution of edema, exudate and hemato-ma (Goldin et al., 1981).

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