
Article Type

Original Study


The uterine cervix appears to have several important role in reproduction and is often considered the gateway to upper reproductive tract. The pri­mary physiologic function is the se­cretion of cervical mucus which func­tions as biologic barrier between the microbial colonized vagina and the sterile upper reproductive tract (Qlatstein et al., 1995). Moghissi et al., (1980) and Ken­neth & Ross, (1995), described sever­al functional properties of the cervix and its secretions that are important for sperm migration, capacitation and impair the transport of abnormal sper­matozoa. Any disturbance in these functions can participate in infertility which comprise about 5 % of infertile cases. Dimarzo et al., (1992), defined un­explained infertility as involuntary in­fertility of at least 12 months as fe­male partner had regular, spontaneous ovulation and normal pelvis at both hysterosalpingography and laparoscopy, normal post coital test and the male partner has normal semen profile. It affects approximately 10-15 % of couples in the reproduc­tive age group which makes it an im­portant of the practices of many phy­sicians (Michael & Alan, 1997). The diagnosis of unexplained in­fertility is one of exclusion and is made only after an infertility evalua­tion has failed to reveal abnormalities. The diagnostic tests which are includ­ed by all investigators as a part of standard infertility evaluation include semen analysis of male partner,

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