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Various measuments of the great­er sciatic notch (G.S.N.) e.g. width, depth and length of the posterior seg­ment of the width were measured, and indices I and II were obtained from lateral radiographs of the pelves of168sub]ecs (78 males and 90 fe­males). These subjects ranged in age from one to twenty years. Total and posterior angles were measured in each case. Width, depth and posterior seg­ment length of the G.S.N. were found valueless for sexing purposes before the age of 14 years. After that age till age of 20 years, these parameters become highly effective especially, in females, in sex determination. The le­ngth of the posterior segment of the width, posterior angle and idex II were found to be the best paramers, help­ing to assign the sex of the G.S.N. in different subjects before puberty. One can suggest that the growth of the width of the G.S.N. found in females before puberty occurs primarily in its posterior part.

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