
Article Type

Original Study


The present study provides data on the prevalence of symptoms of major depressive disorders and gen­eralized anxiety disorder in 128 pa­tients with panic disorder. Symptoms were assessed using DSM-IV defini­tional criteria that consider not only the presence and severity of symp­toms but also their duration and per­vasiveness. The findings of this study document the presence of subdiag-nostic levels of clinically significant depressive and generalized anxiety symptoms within patients with panic disorder. The majority of the patients with panic disorder reported at least two or more depressive symptoms and six or more generalized anxiety symptoms. Depressive symptoms that most frequently met definitional crite­ria for diagnostic significance were fa­tigue, insomnia, and concentration dif­ficulties. Over 50% of the sample endorsed feelings of tension, irritabili­ty and restlessness. Disturbances of appetite, feelings of worthlessness and suicidal ideation were found in less than 10% of the nondepressed panic patients. The total numbers of both depressive and generalized anx­iety symptoms were related to a past history of depression. These findings support recent theories about the re­lationship between anxiety and de­pression.

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