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This retrospective study was car­ried out to evaluate the results of treatment modalities and to identify the prognostic factors affecting survi­val (OAS) and disease free survival (DPS) of 116 laryngeal cancer pa­tients treated and followed up in Clini­cal Oncology and Nuclear Medicine and ENT departments, Mansoura Uni­versity Hospital during the period 1990-1999 inclusive. Laryngeal car­cinoma represented 0.8% of all malig­nancies and 8.5% of all head and neck cancers during the period of the study. The median age of the patients was 60 years with a male to female ratio 22:1. History of smoking was found in 62.9% of cases. The main presenting symptom was hoarseness of voice (62.1%). Glottic carcinoma formed the majority of cases (44.8%). Squamous celf carcinoma was the commonest pathology (95%). Grade I was the commonest tumor grade (46.6%). Different treatment modali­ties were used in the management of the patients. Radiotherapy was used alone in treatment of 28 patients (24.1%); surgery alone in 12 patients (10.3%); and combined surgery and radiotherapy in 70 patients (60.3%). Chemotherapy was added to either surgery or radiotherapy or both in 6 cases (5.2%). Combined modality treatment of surgery followed by radi­otherapy resulted in longer OAS and better DPS. Early lesions T1-T2, NO-N1 showed better response to treat­ment and better OAS. DPS at 18 mo­nths was 95% for T1 lesion. Treat­ment of laryngea! carcinoma needs a multi-disciplinary approach to stan­dardize treatment policies, to avoid excessive surgery for early lesions and to use organ preservation proto-

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