
Article Type

Original Study


Objective : To study the results of semirigid penile prosthesis implanta­tion in management of patients with erectile dysfunction (ED). Patients and Methods : A total number of 20 patients presented with ED were included in this study. These patients were subjected to penile prosthesis implantation of the semirig­id type. They presented with psycho-genie, neurogenic and/or vascular erectila dysfunction and failed to give a response after using tha iess inva­sive nonsurgical treatment modalities. All patients were followed up for a period of one year at the 3rd, 6th mo­nth, and 1st year postoperatively. During follow up all patients were sub- jected to clinical examination to record any postoperative complica­tions and a questionnaire (modified from Marcos at al, 1998) (1), was an­swered by all patients preoperatively and at each visit. All patients an­swered the questionnaire in the out­patient clinic as part of the preopera-tive evaluation and again at the 3-.6-. and 12-month visits and the answers were recorded. Results : Patients in this study were balanced regarding the different variables. There were no postopera­tive complications in our patients. The patients perceived in their erectile ability and libido

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