
Article Type

Original Study


Emergence of delirium after sevof-lurane anesthesia has been men­tioned by many investigators, yet al­most in children(1). This study was conducted to elucidate and assess the severity and incidence of delirium in surgical adult patients scheduled for minor surgery under different an­esthetic techniques. Also modulatory effect of midazotam was studied. One hundred eighty, ASA I, II adult patients aged 17-48 years who under­went minor to moderate surgery last­ing less than one hour were randomly assigned to one of five equal groups each of 36 patients; (Group I) : 8% sevoflurane ViMA, (Group If) : Sevof-lurane - Midazolam 2.5-5 mg IV 5 minutes pre-operatively, (Group III) : Sevoflurane 2, 4, 6, 8 increments, Group IV received propofol 2.5 mg IV and maintenance with Sevoflurane, and Group V which had halothane in­duction (1, 2, 3.5%) and maintenance (1MAC). All patients received fentanyl 100 ug IV, 30 minutes pre-operatively and 50 mg pethidine i.m. just before end of surgery. All patients were mon­itored as regards ECG, pulse oxime-try and end tidal CO2. Maintenance by sevoflurane 1 -1.5 MAC in N2O: O2 (50 : 50%) for all patients except group V, halothane. Ventilation was controlled in Groups III, IV and V. Any airway events during induction, main­tenance and emergence were noted. Delirium was recorded. Patients who had agitation beyond 5 min. were giv­en midazolam 2.5 - 5 mg.0 There were no significant differ­ences among the five groups with re­spect to age, body weight and dura­tion of anesthesia. All had SaC>2 > 96. Ventilation was adequate in all groups (PETCO2 range 30-36 mmHg).

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