
Article Type

Original Study


This study was designed to assess the effect of nifedipine and sufentanil prior to induction of anesthesia on ocular tension in glaucomatous pa­tients. This study was accomplished on ninety patients of either sex. Their ages ranged from 30-60 years. They were classified into six groups, each comprised fifteen patients. Forty five of the patients {groups 1,11,11) received thiopentone 5mg/kg for induction, and the second half (group IV.V.VI) received propofol 2 mg/kg. Patients in group I and IV received no premedi-cation. Patients in groups II and V received sufentanil 0.1 ug/kg IV, pa­tients in groups III and VI received ni­fedipine 10mg/kg sublingually 20 min­utes before induction of anesthesia. Tracheal intubation was facilitated in all patients by suxamethonium 1mg/ kg.Anesthesia was maintained by hal-othane 0.5-1% and nitrous oxide: oxy­gen (2:1), muscle relaxation was achieved with atracurium 0.6 mg/kg with increments when required, con­trolled ventilation was carried out to maintain Pco2et between 32-35 mmHg. Heart rate, mean arterial blood pressure, intraocular pressure (!OP) were measured before any medication as a basal value, then it was measured 20 minutes after pre-medication .after induction, after suc-cinylcholine ,and at 1,2,3 and 5 min­utes after tracheal intubation. The present recorded data revealed that nifedipine and sufentanil prevented the increase in IOP that occurred after succinylchoiine, laryngeoscopy and tracheal intubation.The combination

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