
Article Type

Original Study


Background : The major determi­nant of postoperative morbidity and mortality after pulmonary resection is the functional status of the cardiac and pulmonary systems. Right ven­tricular (RV) thermoditution ejection fraction/oximetric catheter has been recently proposed as a new technique to evaluate the pulmonary hemody-namics and gas exchange variables in lung resection. Aim of the work : The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of lo-bectomy on pulmonary hemodynam-ics and gas exchange variables using the RV thermodilution ejection frac-tion/oximeteric catheter and its possi­ble effects on early morbidity and mortality. Patients and methods : We evalu-201 ated the acute postoperative effects of lung resection on hemodynamic and gas exchange parameters in thir­ty patients using the RV thermodilu­tion ejection fraction/oximeteric cath­eter. Anesthesia was induced with thiopentone sodium and maintained with midazolam, fentanyl and pipecu-ronium. Intubation was performed with double-lumen, left-sided endo-bronchial tube for one lung ventilation. The hemodynamic and gas exchange parameters were recorded before and after induction of anesthesia, and two hours after lung resection. Results : Lobectomy was asso­ciated with significant hemodynamic changes and good maintenance of gas exchange variables. SVI, LVSWI and RVEF were significantly de­creased in the early postoperative

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