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Anterior craniofacial resection and reconstruction surgeries were per­formed upon 21 patients (13 females and 8 males) aged 12-72 years, at the period between 1996-2002 at Man­soura University Hospital, Depatment of ORL Head and Neck surgery. Sur­geries were performed for nasal and paranasal sinus malignant tumors with cranial and/or intracranial exten-tion. Various forms of anterior cranial base reconstruction strategies were used in our work, anteriorly pedicled galeal-pericranial flap, galeal-pericranial flap+ skin graft, galeal-pericranial flap+calvarial bone graft, and galeal-pericranial flap+ temporal-is osteomuscularflap. Orbital exenter-ation was done for two patients with ethmoidal undifferentiated carcinoma and obliteration of the orbit was done using pedicled temporalis muscle flap. Subtotal maxillectomy (18 cases), and total maxillectomy (3 cases) were per­formed. We discribed the technique of the resection and the reconstruction with evaluation of reconstruction re­sults. Our objecive is to evaluate the clinical outcome of our technique in resection and reconstruction of anteri­or skull base. We concluded that Knowlages about different methods of reconstruction after craniofacial re­section enabled the skull base sur­geons to extend their resections in or­der to increase the safety margin. Also we found that the pericrania! flap is the most ideal and reliable method for reconstruction of skull base after resection. Rigid bony reconstruction can be used in cases where the re-

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