
Article Type

Original Study


Background : Although chronic hepatitis B virus infections are common in Egypt, the incidentally discovered asymptomatic forms are very frequent. Their serological profile and clinical significance have not been determined. Aim : To characterize the clinical, serological and histological liver dam­age among incidentally detected asymptomatic hepatitis B surface anti­gen (HBsAg)-positive subjects (IDAHS) in Egypt. Methods : We prospectively stud­ied 70 consecutive IDAHS patients who were long term HBsAg carriers. Tests for liver function, serologica! markers for HBV, HCV, HDV and schistosomiasis were done for all pa­tients. HBV DNA was determined by the branched DNA technique and PCR at the core promotor/precore re­gion and the S region. Liver biopsy specimens from 44 patients were studied and scored for activity and fib-rosis stage by modified Knodell score and the METAVIR score. HBsAg and HBcAg were immunohistochemically evaluated in the liver tissue. Results : Of the studied 70 pa­tients, 57 (81.6%) were HBeAg-negative and 13 (18.4%) were

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