
Article Type

Original Study


The dimensions and angles of the vertebral pedicles are very important for surgeons who perform transpedi-cular screw fixation. In this study, the dimensions (transverse diameter TD, sagittal di­ameter SD and total pedicular length TPL) and angles ( transverse angle TA and sagittal angle SA ) of the ped­icles of the lower four thoracic and all the lumbar vertebrae were measured. Direct measurements were per­formed on twenty vertebral columns from museum of Anatomy, Mansoura faculty of medicine. Radiological and CT measure­ments, were done on twenty adult vol- unteers from Orthopedic surgery de­partment, Mansoura University hospi­tal. The results of the different meth­ods were compared with each other and with the results of previous stud­ies. Statistical analysis including the mean(M),range(R) and standared de-viation(SD) for each pedicular param­eter were performed and recorded in a table. It was evident, from the study, that there was no accepted universal method for measurement and CT scans are the most accurate method for measuring the pedicular dimen­sions and angles.

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