
Article Type

Original Study


This work aims to clarify the role of calcium channel blocker (verapamil) and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (lisinopril) on myocardial is-chaemia reperfusion injury. The study was done using isolated rabbits hearts and Langendroffs apparatus for recording myocardial contractility, heart rate and coronary flow, also glu­cose uptake by coronary slices was estimated by glucose enzymatic kit. The work included 4 groups; Group A to study effect of ischaemia and re­perfusion on mentioned parameters, Group B to study effect of verapamil and lisinopril on tested parameters, Group C to study the effect of 5 minutes preischaemia administration of verapamil and lisinopril on tested pa­rameters and Group D to study the ef­fects of administration of verapamil and lisinopril with reperfusion on pa­rameters mentioned before. Results concluded that global ischaemia de­creased the myocardial contractility and heart rate but increases glucose uptake, verapamil is a potent drug used to decrease myocardial contrac­tility, heart rate and increase coronary flow in ischaemic hearts. Lisinopril is a drug of choice to improve contractil­ity and heart rate when administered preischaemic or with reperfusion.

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