
Article Type

Original Study


Background and aim : Carcinoma of the breast is the most prevalent cancer among Egyptian women. P53 overexpression is the most common genetic alteration found in breast can­cer. The growth and proliferation of tumor cells, as well as their metastat-ic dissemination, have been shown to be preceded and facilitated by the for­mation of new blood vessels (angio-genesis). This work aimed to deter­mine p53 expression and angiogenesis measured by microves-sel density (MVD) in invasive breast carcinoma. Also, to study the relation­ship between p53 expression and the degree of angiogenesis. Patients and methods : The present study was performed on the paraffin blocks from the tumors of 40 modified radical mastectomy speci­mens (done for invasive breast carci­noma). Immunohistochemical staining for p53 and CD34 (marking endo-thelial cells for MVD assessment) was done. Results : In this study, p53 was positive in 60 % of invasive breast carcinomas. P53 positivity was high­est in tumors of patients in the fifth decade, premenopausal, tumors of grade II, with a size of 2-5 cm, with positive axillary L.Ns and stage MB.

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