
Article Type

Original Study


Evaluation of solitary thyroid nodule is the most common thyroid problem; the prevalence varies ac­cording to the method of screening used. Solitary thyroid nodule can be caused by any of the thyroid diseas­es; the majority is benign. Lesions characterized by a follicular growth pattern constitute the most common type encountered by pathologists. The vast majority of such lesions do not pose difficulties for histopathologi-cal interpretation. A subset of these tumors, however, can represent a se­rious challenge for diagnosis, man­agement & fall under the "indetermi­nate" category. Thyroid tumors with follicular growth pattern include a broad range of lesions that range from benign, hyperplastic nodules to follicular adenoma and follicular car­cinoma. In addition, other types of tu­mors with follicular growth pattern be­longing to separate diagnostic categories, including the follicular variant of papillary carcinoma, atypi­cal adenomas, HVrthle cell tumor & medullary carcinoma can be also en­countered. The histologic features used for distinguishing these condi­tions can be sometimes subtle & sub­jective. The present study was performed on 77 excision specimens of solitary thyroid nodules with predominate fol­licular architecture. Immunohisto-chemical stains were done for select­ed cases for high molecular weight cytokeratin, chromogranin A, S-100 & factor VIII.

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