
Article Type

Original Study


Forty five male albino rats wereseparated into nine groups (control,2 model, and 6 treatment groups).Rats in two model groups were givenintraperitoneal injection of 50% carbontetrachloride (2ml/Kg twiceweeklyfor either 4 or 8 weeks). Ratsintreatment groups were given ccl4for8 weeks and also given losartan(10mg/kg/daytwice weekly), propolis(100mg/kg/daytwice weekly) or combinedlosartan and propolis via gastrogavage.The treatment started eithersimultaneously or after 4weeksfrombeginning of ccl4 injection. Controlgroup rats were given only oliveoilfor the same period. At the assignedtime, all rats were sacrificed.Bloodsamples were taken for determinationof serum indicators (SGOT, SGPT, ALP) and the livers were dissectedout and prepared for histopathologicalstudy. There was a significant(P≥0.05) reduction infibrosisarea and score and alphaSMApositivity in all sections of theliversof animals that received treatmentsimultaneously with CCl4 for8wsin comparison to ccl4 injectionalonefor 8ws. There was also a significantreduction in the serum levelsofSGPT, SGOT and ALP, however,theselevels were still significantly(P≥0.05) higher than control values.Whenthe treatment started after fibrosishas begun (after 4ws of ccl4injection)the fibrosis process slowedoreven stopped with down regulationof active HSCs as evident by reductionof alpha-SMA positive stain.However,the serum levels of en- zymes were reduced to a lesserdegree. In all periods of treatment,losartan was more effective in inhibitionof HSCs and of fibrosis whilepropoliswas more effective in decreasingenzyme levels that may indicatemore protection of hepatocytes.So, combined treatment gavebetterreduction of both fibrosis andenzymelevels. Reversal of alreadypresentfibrosis was not evident inthisstudy.

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