
Article Type

Original Study


The present study was designedto evaluate the diagnostic yield ofTBNA in the diagnosis of extrabronchialand mediastinal lesions in ordertoavoid unnecessary mediastinoscopiesor other surgical procedures.This study included thirty patients.Twenty patients with clinicalandradiological evidence of mediastinallymph node enlargement, andtenpatients with extrabronchialmasslesion causing an extraluminalcompression who were admitted toAlHussien university hospital andBabEl-Shariah university hospital,chestdepartment in the period betweenMay 2010 and May 2012. Allpatientswersubjected to the follow- ing: history taking, clinical examination,plain chest X- ray posteroanteriorand lateral views, computerizedtomography of the chest withcontrast,routine laboratory investigations,fiberoptic bronchoscopy for inspectionof the tracheobronchial treeandbiopsy using TBNA, histopathologicaland cytological examinationofthe specimens. Some patientsneededother investigations to confirmor reach the diagnosis such asmediastinoscopy,C.T guided biopsyandlimited thoracotomy.The diagnostic yeild TBNA in diagnosisof non-malignant lesionswas75%, 33% in sarcoidosis, 100%inTB and non-specific inflammation,and77.7% in malignant lesions, 75% in lymphoma and 80% in metastasis,and overall diagnostic yeild for mediastinallesions was 76.47%, sensitivityfor small cell carcinoma was100.0%and for non-small cell carcinomawas 62.5%, 80.0% for adenocarcinoma,0 for squamous cell carcinomaand 100.0% for large cellcarcinoma.The overall sensitivity forextrabronchiallesions was 70.0%.Conclusion: transbronchial needleaspiration provide a reasonableand accurate method in diagnosisof extrabronchial and mediastinallesions.

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