
Article Type

Original Study


Candida parapsilosis is an importantnon-albican species responsibleforinvasive fungal infections andhospitalacquired infections especiallyin critical care patients. C.parapsilosiscomplex has been renamedaccordingto genetic bases into 3 differentspecies C.parapsilosis sensustricto,C. metapsilosis and C. orthopsilosis.This study was designedtodescribe the distribution and antifungalsusceptibility profile of thethreemembers of Candidaparapsilosiscomplex among patients of intensivecare units (ICUs) in MansouraUniversityHospitals. Candidaparapsilosiswas identified by AnalyticProfileIndex (API) 20 C. C.parapsilosissensu stricto, C. orthopsilosis and C. metapsilosis were recog- nized according to the secondary alcoholdehydrogenase (SADH) restrictionpattern using BanI restrictionenzyme. Antifungal susceptibilitytestingwas performed by E test. Atotalof 68 C.parapsilosis isolateswereincluded in this study. Sixty-twoisolates(91.2%) were identified asC.parapsilosis sensu stricto, 4(5.9%)were identified as C.orthopsilosis,and 2 isolates were identifiedas C. metapsilosis (2.9%). All isolatesof the C.parapsilosis complexspecieswere sensitive to amphotricinB. Fifty isolates (80.6%) of C.parapsilosissensu strictowere susceptibleto fluconazole; 7 isolates(11.3%)were susceptible-dose dependent(SDD) to fluconazole, and 5isolates(8.1%) were resistant to fluconazole. Most of C.parapsilosis sensu stricto isolates were sensitiveto itraconazole 59 (95.2%). No itraconazoleor fluconazole resistancewerefound among the C.metapsilosisand C.orthopsilosis isolates;therewas singleC. orthopsilosisisolateSDD to both itraconazole andfluconazole.

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