
Article Type

Original Study


Rotavirus is responsible for a significantgastrointestinal disease primarilyin children less than 5 yearsofage worldwide causing massivemorbidityand mortality. This studyaimedto identify the proportion ofchildrenwith acute gastroenteritis infectedwith rotavirus through systematicsampling over a 1-year period inatertiary care hospital, MansouraUniversityChildren’s Hospital - Mansoura-EgyptPatients and MethodsThis study included all hospital-ized children aged less than 5 yearswho presented with acute waterydiarrhea. Collected stool sampleswere tested for the presence of rotavirus using an ELISA kit. ResultsOut of 385 stool samples, rotavi-rus antigen was detected in the stoolsamples of 144 (37.4%), of which 74(45.9%) samples were from infantsin the age group of 0–12 months. Feverwas found to be significantlymorefrequent among children withrotaviruspositive samples [86.5%vs.55.7%, P=0.02]. The same wasfoundwith vomiting as it was morefrequentamong children with rotaviruspositive samples [80% vs.67.7%,P=0.05]. Severe dehydrationwassignificantly more common inpatientswith rotavirus infection[31.9%vs. 18%, P=0.02], while mildandmoderate dehydration did not show the same level of significance[17% vs. 22.5, P=0.42] and [51% vs.59.4%, P=0.74] respectively. Rotaviruspositive cases aged less thanoneyear were found to present withasevere degree of dehydration 34(45.9%)while moderate degree ofdehydrationwas most frequently presentedamong other age groups indicatingthat the younger the age themorethe severity of symptoms ofrotavirusinfection.

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