
Article Type

Original Study


Background: Over the past decadethere have been several attempttries for molecular classification ofCNStumors, also to identify biologicalmarkers that reflect the degree oftumourmalignancy. Such markersmightassist in identifying tumorswitha poor prognosis and applicationof new medical target therapy.Platelet-derived growth factor(PDGF) signalling has been shownto be a key regulator of glioma development.Clinical trials evaluating theefficacyof anti-PDGFRA therapiesongliomas are ongoing31Objectives: evaluation of PDGFRAprotein in adult astrocytoma as anew hope to use PDGFRA as biologicalprognostic marker and possi- bility of using anti PDGFRA as a targettherapy in astrocytoma. Also weaimedto correlate expression ofPDGFRAprotein to p53 and cyclinD1expression in astrocytoma.Material & Methods: well representativeparaffin embedded blocksof57 cases of adult astrocytoma (16diffuseastrocytoma, 9 anaplastic astrocytoma,28 cases were GBM, and4cases were gliosarcoma) wereevaluatedfor PDGFRA protein, P53,CyclinD1 expression. Correlation oflevelof expression of these proteinswerecorrelated to clinicopathologiccriteriawas done Results: According to WHO, 16Cases were grade II, 9 cases weregrade III, while 32 had grade IV. PDGFRA was positive in all cases ofastrocytoma cases. with varied interistyPDGFRA expression was alsoobservedin tumour-associated endothelialcells of blood vessels in approximately8% of the cases.PDGFRAshowed significant correlationwith histopathological type (p < br />value< 0.001). Also PDGFRA wassignificantlycorrelated to WHO gradingof the tumor (p value <0.001)withno significant correlation to age,genderor site of tumor. 43 cases(>109%)expressed cyclin D1 butwithvaried intensity of expression.CyclinD1 showed significant correlationwith anatomical site of tumor (p < br />value=0.032), with age (p value=0.003),however, no significant correlationto gender. 82.5 % of casesexpressedp53, P53 showed significantcorrelation with histopathologicaltype (p value = 0.001). Astrocytoma is the most commonprimary neoplasm of the central nervoussystem, representing 30% to40%of all tumors. Based on histological,immunohistochemical, andultrastructuralcriteria, the astrocytictumorsare graded are graded on ascalefrom I-IV 3, 2According to WHO. (2007), diffuselyinfiltrative astrocytic tumoursareclassified as diffuse astrocytomas(grade II) which are slowlygrowing,diffusely infiltrating astrocytomasthat are prone to progress tohighergrades. Anaplastic astrocytomas(grade III) display increasedproliferationrate, increased cellularityand nuclear atypia. Glioblastomamultiforme(grade IV) is the mostmalignantform of astrocytoma characterizedby microvascular proliferation,necrosis and cellular pleomorphism

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