
Article Type

Original Study


Background: Intestinal polyps are noticeable mucosal outgrowths that extend into lumen of gastrointestinal tract. In adults, the most frequently detected polyps are adenomatous polyps which are thought to be precursors of large bowel cancer. Colonoscopy is the most widely accepted method for colon cancer screening. Early detection and removal of adenomas can significantly reduce risk of colorectal cancer hence; it is of great importance to evaluate the prevalence of colorectal polyps in Egyptian population by diagnostic colonoscopy and associated risk factors. Objective: detect the prevalence of colorectal polyps in Egyptian population and associated risk factors. Patients and Methods: A cross sectional study conducted on a total 551 patients attended to the gastrointestinal endoscopic unit at Mansoura Specialized Medical Hospital during the interval from August 2021 to May 2022. Results: The prevalence of colorectal polyps was 23.6%, 18.9 % of these polyps were benign and 4.7 % were malignant. The number of polyps was greater in the left colon (47.7%) than that of the right side (44.6%). The most prevalent type was adenomatous polyps (30%), then hyperplastic polyps (28.5%). Colorectal polyps were more prevalent in male sex, older age, urban residents. A statistical significance was also found between colorectal polyps and family history of cancer colon or polyps, smoking, unhealthy diet, overweight, physical inactivity, DM and hypertension. Conclusion: The prevalence of colorectal polyps was 23.6%, 18.9% of these polyps were benign and 4.7 % were malignant. Several factors play an essential role in their unhealthy diet, positive family history, smoking, DM and hypertension.

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